Drug charges are unquestionably serious charges. A high school teacher in a North Carolina community east of the Asheville area was recently arrested on drug charges. Prior to being arrested, the instructional assistant and assistant football coach resigned his roles. The 28-year old man is facing multiple drug charges. Authorities allegedly received a complaint that a teacher at the school was selling drugs on campus. Authorities then investigated the charges over a period of months.
Authorities reported that when searching the man’s home and vehicle they recovered approximately 4.18 pounds of marijuana; packaging and repackaging materials for drugs; cash; and a firearm. The man is facing 19 felony charges and one misdemeanor charge. The felony drug charges the man is facing include 4 counts of selling a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a school; 4 counts of possession of a schedule VI controlled substances; 3 counts of selling a schedule VI controlled substance; 3 counts of delivering a schedule VI controlled substance; one count of maintaining a residence for a controlled substance; and 4 counts of maintaining a vehicle for a controlled substance. Depending on what authorities allegedly find, drug possession charges can result in drug trafficking or distribution charges which can be even more serious than drug possession charges.
Drug offenses are serious criminal charges and accused individuals can face multiple charges and potentially harsh penalties and consequences as a result. Because of this, drug charges require a strong criminal defense response. Accused individuals should be familiar with their criminal defense options including potentially challenging the conduct of police or an investigation or challenging a search or witness statements.
Accused individuals facing drug charges should be familiar with how to develop a strong criminal defense strategy. It is important for them to be familiar with their criminal defense rights and how to protect those rights.