There Is No Substitute For Experience
Defending You Against A Life-Changing Charge
Most marijuana cases begin with a traffic stop. Very often, a driver will be pulled over for speeding or another moving violation and then arrested after an officer smells marijuana in the vehicle — and searches the vehicle.
Other cases stem from allegations that a person is dealing pot or weed or transporting marijuana.
Being charged with a drug offense is a very stressful experience. You may be concerned about the ramifications of having a criminal record. You may be worried about going to jail or causing harm to your family. You definitely need to talk to an attorney before you talk to law enforcement about the charges. We offer a free initial consultation where you can speak with an attorney. Call us as soon as you can: 828-702-0568.
We Can Help You Explore Your Options
At Besen Law in Asheville, North Carolina, we understand how marijuana cases are prosecuted. We can help you explore your options for resolving your case as smoothly as possible if it involves:
Simple possession of marijuana, which in some cases can be successfully addressed through diversionary programs that require treatment and education as opposed to punishment
Possession of marijuana with intent to sell or distribute — this is often the charge when the evidence includes confiscated marijuana that was packaged for sale
The alleged trafficking of large amounts of cannabis for commercial purposes
Juvenile charges
Attorney Ted Besen is not only a skilled defense lawyer; he is a former police officer who understands law enforcement tactics. He can defend you vigorously and wisely against the charges you are facing.
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Seeking an Asheville lawyer for marijuana charges? Contact Besen Law for a free consultation about your case.