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DWI laws in North Carolina carry significant penalties

Updated: Jan 17

This blog recently discussed the importance of knowing how to challenge certain tests related to drunk driving charges. It is also important for individuals accused of DWI in North Carolina to understand what that charge means and know how to protect themselves.

North Carolina boasts strict driving while intoxicated laws. Operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol content level (BAC) of 0.08 or above can prove one has violated the state’s DWI laws without any further evidence of intoxication needed. In addition, authorities may also have the accused individual perform field sobriety tests. If a motorist fails the field sobriety tests, they may be charged with DWI.

What some North Carolinians may not be aware of is that driving while intoxicated charges can result in them facing potential criminal penalties. These penalties can significantly impact one’s life. Potential penalties the accused individual may be face can include: possible jail time; fines; monitoring; community service and more.

The potential penalties for a DWI charge in North Carolina can be complicated and complex to understand. How one will be penalized depends on what type of DWI one is charged with. There is a scale ranging from one to five, with five being considered the least serious DWI offense and one being the most serious DWI offense. The potential length of incarceration and the amount of the fine the accused individual is potentially facing also depends on what level of DWI charge they are facing, which is why it is important to thoroughly understand DWI laws in North Carolina when facing them to know how to best defend against them.

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